Heflin folds
Texas Dems pick up one last seat.
Heflin's is the last of three challenges stemming from that election to be dropped. Jack Stick withdrew his challenge against Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin, and Eric Opiela dropped his contest against Rep. Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles, D-Alice, last month.
Gee, all the challenges were from Republicans, weren't they?
Rumor is that the state GOP put pressure on Heflin to give up (and notice that a Republican--Rep. Will Hartnett, R-Dallas--led the investigation and made the initial call) because they didn't want to enrage Ho's constituency. This puts a Vietnamese immigrant in the Lege--kind of a new thing in Texas, I believe.
At 8:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well Ain't that a kick! Cindy before you start acting like Eric Opiela. Get the facts!! That usually leads to the truth. If you checked with the Attorney General's Office you would have known the women who was indicted was working for the Republican Party. That woman was not working for Toureilles or for the Democratic party. And furthermore that ballot was not even counted b/c the voter registrar in Bee County knew that that voter was deceased. By the way in case you didn't follow Opiela's contest. Here is what happened. He filed a contest along with the recount. He made all these outlandish accusations and put up this smoke screen that the election was stolen to cover up for all the statements he made. In other words to cover his ***! Rep. Will Hartnett who supervised Opiela's Lawsuit/Contest made him re-file his Petition (3) times before he would even consider looking at it because Opiela doesn't know the Election code or the law for that matter. Then after forcing Toureilles to spend enormously on Attorney's to defend this case, Opiela then withdraws; if he really had a rock solid case as he quoted to the papers he would have stood his ground. Why? Because you know you are right and you have the law to back it up! He didn't have the law and he knew he was wrong. The reason Opiela withdrew is because his case was about to be dismissed as FRIVOLOUS/WITHOUT MERIT; even Harntett who is a conservative REPUBLICAN acknowledges this and he would know b/c he reviewed the evidence and law in this case. Ask yourself why didn't the Republicans defend Opiela. It wasn't for lack of backbone or money because believe me when they want something they fight hard for it. It's because it wasn't right. Would you have liked it if your former opponent had shown up at your home or workplace after he lost? Well that is what this immature young man did w/Toureilles, he became obsessed and fanatical. That's why DPS has had a restraining order against him. By the way if you had bothered to look at the pleadings and evidence filed in this case you would have known that there were no "dead voters" What Opiela did was find people w/the same name like "Hector Barrera" who had died and then find a different "Hector Barrera" who was alive and a registered voter and claim that the second one was dead. Not surprisingly there are several Hector Barrera's. Toureilles' attorneys went through each of his "dead voters" and presented evidence that the voters were alive and registered to vote by presenting DPS drivers license records, different dates of births, different voter registration records, tax records etc. Opiela would also target Hispanic father/sons with the same names and claim that these voters voted twice. Opiela also only focused on the two counties that he lost, Jim Wells and Bee and targeted mostly Hispanic voters. He couldn't understand how Toureilles beat him so badly in her home county, which everyone else understands. Toureilles is extremely well liked and respected in her home county. She has a large family and a strong support base in Jim Wells County. Opiela also couldn't accept the fact that George Bush did better in Jim Wells than he did, but a lot of Democrats and Hispanics voted for Bush and then voted for Democratic candidates! And Opiela is no George Bush! So before you start making slanderous and false accusations maybe you should get your facts straight.
At 10:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
You get the facts. If Ponce was working for the Republicans as you say (yeah, that's believable) then why was Toureilles named in her indictment as a co-conspirator? The reason Opiela withdrew was because the AGs office asked him too so they could pursue the criminal case against Toureilles. And where do you get this about DPS having a restraining order against him? On what basis? Especially when the Texas Rangers were investigating Toureilles. Sure. At least know a bit about the law when you make things up, only courts issue these. Extremely well liked and respected--give me a break. If so then why did she lose with less than 40 percent of the vote 6 of the 7 counties? Everyone in the district knows her as an arrogant obsessive chihuaua who makes threats to get what she wants. And her husband is a convicted stalker. Yeah, sure, real credible people.
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