Seven Degrees from Normal

Two people, eighteen years of marriage, seven college degrees.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The gods are smiling

Yes, friends, not only did this week mark the end of a freelance project that has eaten my life--we also have the following:

1) Karl Rove testifies for the fifth time. Apparently his defense is "I wouldn't have knowingly lied to you, because I was sure to get caught if I did." The problem with this (aside from the fact that it's a circular argument) is that when Karl first testified (i.e., perjured himself), he was pretty sure he'd get away with it. Why? Because John Ashcroft was still leading the investigation at that point:
All throughout late-2003 (when Ashcroft was still heading the investigation), the White House had reason to believe that the Plame investigation was not going to seek the testimony of reporters. Recall, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was not even appointed until the beginning of 2004. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported it wasn’t until 2004 that journalists were contacted to testify.

The evidence suggests that when Rove testified in October 2003, he did not believe Matt Cooper would be ultimately be forced to testify against him in July 2005.

It wasn't until Fitzgerald came in, and called Cooper to testify, that Rove suddenly had his memory restored.

2) Neil Young releases his anti-war album (be patient--free downloading started today), and Merle Haggard (Merle Haggard!) releases an anti-war single.

3) The WSJ adds hookers to the Duke Cunningham scandal, and Harper's sees their hookers and raises them one Porter Goss:

The Wall Street Journal reported today that indicted former California Congressman Randall "Duke" Cunningham may not have limited his good times to partying on a rented yacht. It turns out the FBI is currently investigating two defense contractors who allegedly provided Cunningham with free limousine service, free stays at hotel suites at the Watergate and the Westin Grand, and free prostitutes.

The two defense contractors who allegedly paid most of the bills, said the Journal, were Brent Wilkes, the founder of ADCS Inc., and Mitchell Wade, the founder of MZM Inc.; both firms profited greatly from their connections with Cunningham. The Journal also suggested that other lawmakers might be implicated. I've learned from a well-connected source that those under intense scrutiny by the FBI are current and former lawmakers on Defense and Intelligence comittees—including one person who now holds a powerful intelligence post.
4) And there are fewer than 1000 days left in the bush presidency! Start planning your parties now.


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